Monday, August 31, 2009

[Release] 31st August 2009


Hero Quest - 31st August 2009
- Aeron (YinYin/Havoc Creator), slightly modded by Azriel (flight)
- Joe (Siegvar)

- Lion Forest (Marti), edited by Azriel (vertical scroll, castle)

More of a feature preview than a "playable" release, you can write your own code to test stuff, but a rundown of some of the differences between HQ's data files and LF2's data files:

x new tags
- [friction] fx: 1.25 fz: 1.25
- [ybound] y1: -600 y2: 0
- [opoints] check bg/sys/lf/bg.dat

- [hold_<a,j,d>]
As long as you're holding A, J or D, your character will go to the frame number specified in hold_a: # (for example) after the wait: # is up. i.e. This serves as an alternative next: # frame. hit_a: will have priority over hold_a: (if you press A on a frame with both tags enabled)

- [z coordinate areas]
z1: z2: are used for bdys and itrs. This is an alternative to the zwidth: tag whereby z1 == -z2 if used. If none of these tags are specified, the data will treat it as LF2 does - z1: -12 z2: 12.

- [z axis opoint]
In LF2, objects spawned via opoint are always Parent.z + 1. With the z: tag, you may opoint relative to the Parent's z coordinate. Using z: -1 will cause the spawned object to have the same z-axis coordinate as the Parent.

*Parent here means the object with the opoint:


The castle object is made from a few different "objects" (single data file, different frames). This is to give the impression of a "room" with different z-levels. If you try and get on top of the castle via the stairs, you'd notice that your character tends to "teleport" to different places. This wouldn't happen if there is only a single identical bdy used for all of the frames, which would be much easier to work with for wall/platform detection. However, bdys keep varying in each frame, so to not have it buggy is near impossible.

Don't kill yourself trying to get onto the castle with Joe, it takes quite a number of tries.

Monday, August 24, 2009

charging/continuous inputs enabled

New tags have been implemented: hold_a: hold_j: and hold_d:
Basically they're the same as hit_a: hit_j: and hit_d:, but it doesn't care how long ago you pressed the keys, as long as you are holding it on the frame. also, it doesn't just "skip" to the frame, it waits for the wait: value to be up, and then goes (as in, it's the same as just having the hold_x: frame # as the next: #).

In the video, when you do D (forward) A with firen, you do the normal fireballs. however, if you do D (forward) A and hold A, it will shoot the big fireballs. Also, when you do DVJ, it just does a single flame; if you hold J continuously, he will keep breathing fire.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Small updates

Tested out Aeron on Hero Quest today. Exposed a number of bugs, some of which I fixed. Messed about with 2 players flying around. It was cool:


  • improved code structure and condition checking for interactions

  • added loading for light weapons and heavy weapons

  • added rebound functionality for energy blasts

  • set dv[x|y|z] 550 to stop Actors from moving

  • implemented state: 100 (next: to frame 94 when you land on ground)

  • enabled z axis movement for dvz: in the frame header

bug fixes:

  • fixed data loading for extra unused tokens (e.g. wait: 10 6)


Monday, August 10, 2009

Platforms, camera, opoints


  • Camera scrolling works perfectly (y/z axis scroll may need correction of coordinates)
  • Platforms (buggy)
  • Multiple opoints
  • z coordinate opointing
